Online Nursing Degree

The nursing profession is fast gaining popularity, but the path to becoming a nurse is not convenient for everyone. Those interested in becoming a nurse within the US healthcare sector must complete a 2-year associate's degree or a 4-year undergraduate degree in order to take the national licensing exam. Many individuals may not have access to a campus-based program in nursing in their area, and others may not be able to afford school to earn the degree. Some individuals are also working a job in a different field and may wish to transition into an opportunity that is on the rise to supplement their income. In order to facilitate the access to education for these people, online nursing degrees are now being offered by several universities across the US. Interested in learning more about these programs? Our guide will help you understand the essentials you need.

What Kind Of Online Nursing Degrees Are Available?
If you wish to become a nurse, you will have to complete either a 4-year undergraduate Bachelor's program in Nursing (BSN) or an associate program in nursing (ADN), which runs for about 2 years. Both of these programs place a heavy emphasis on developing skills in the biological sciences like physiology and anatomy, and also equip you with skills in social sciences. With this combination, you are not only competent as a medical professional, but will be able to process and understand information and communicate effectively with patients. Because of the specialized nature of the program, there are no alternative majors one can undertake in college.

Once you complete your chosen degree, the next step is to clear the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) or the same exam for licensed practical nurses (LPN). Passing this exam allows you to legally practice your profession in the US. Individuals looking for online nursing degrees will find schools offering Associate's Bachelor's, and Master's programs. Based on your interests, you can choose a program from the list and begin studying immediately.
But Why Should I Sign Up For An Online Nursing Degree?
For students who are able to attend school full-time and live or can move near a college or university, a campus-based education is the best investment to make. Some individuals may decide they want to transition into medicine from another field, but the idea of another undergraduate degree seems impractical. With online programs, you are afforded greater convenience while receiving the same benefits as a campus-based classroom. The great thing about these programs is that they do not require you to compromise on your current lifestyle. You save money on commuting, room and board, and other expenses. At the same time, you have access to all course material, and are able to complete coursework according to your own convenience; there are deadlines to follow, but these are far more flexible. Many of these degrees have affiliations with clinics and hospitals across the US, allowing you to complete onsite clinical training requirements. Between 2010 and 2020, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics has predicted a 26 percent increase in nursing employment – higher than other areas. What are you waiting for?

Nursing professionals are in high demand these days. In fact, the demand for qualified nurses continues to exceed the number available for employment. This demand may help nurses find job security and financial stability in their careers. A nursing degree could be offered through campus-based and online programs. The following is a list of a few types of nurses that a student may become after earning a nursing degree:

  • Advanced Practice Nursing(APN)
  • Certified Nurse Midwife(CNM)
  • Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
  • Licensed Practical Nurse(LPN)
  • Licensed Vocational Nurse(LVN)
  • Nurse Practitioner (NP)
  • Registered Nurse (RN)

A quicker route to enter nursing is to pursue a licensed practical nurse (LPN) diploma or certificate. LPN programs may last about three to four semesters of nursing instruction. A LPN looks after patients and reports to registered nurses (RN) or physicians.

Many community colleges and four year universities offer nursing degree programs. These degrees include:

In order to become a RN, nurses must at least possess an Associate's Degree in Nursing. Recently, some healthcare facilities may require nurses to have higher levels of education. Both associate and bachelor's degrees in nursing could lead to a career as registered nurse. However, as compared to an associate's degree program, a bachelor's degree program provides advanced coursework and clinical experience in nursing. It also provides more education away from basic nursing courses, with study areas in nursing science, research, and leadership.

The Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree helps to increases the ability of nurses to achieve higher positions in their nursing fields. It may enable nurses to choose specialized roles, such as advanced practice nurse, nurse practitioner, or certified registered nurse anesthetist. Some master's level programs in nursing offer focused tracks in specialized nursing such as forensic nursing, clinical nursing, and anesthesiology.

MSN Program
A MSN program offers knowledge and training in Nursing Education, Nursing Administration, and Nursing Informatics, depending on the career goals of graduating students.

Admission Requirements
In order to enroll in a MSN program, the candidate is required to have a bachelor's degree and hold a RN license. The candidate may also be required to have two years of clinical nursing experience.

The curriculum may consist of core nursing and nursing specialty concentration courses. The coursework may include the following:

  • Introduction to Advanced Nursing roles
  • Systems Leadership
  • Healthcare Systems, Policy, and Advocacy
  • Quality Improvement and Safety
  • Teaching Methods in Nursing
  • Leadership Roles for Nurse Administration
  • Sustainable Development for Organizations
  • Nursing Project Management
  • Quality improvement Principles and Application
  • Clinical Practicum

There may be minimum GPA requirements in order to successfully graduate. Please note that the above mentioned curriculum and requirements are typical for many schools; however, there may be some differences in the curriculum and course titles at each school.

Career Outlook
The future job prospects of nurses are bright according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The employment of RNs is expected to grow by 19% from 2012 to 2022, faster than the average for all other occupations. Also, the median annual wage of RNs was $65,470 in May 2012, according to the BLS.


Q:What are the accelerated online nursing programs designed for?

A:Accelerated online nursing programs are designed for individuals who want to become a nurse more quickly. Through the usual nursing degree track, students may have to spend 3-4 years in college whereas an accelerated degree will take less than 3 years. You can search online to see what the exact duration may be.

Q:How can I find affordable nursing programs?

A:There are many colleges offering affordable nursing programs. You can take a look online to see what options are currently available. Most schools offer financial aid programs that help students cover costs. On the other hand, online nursing programs are much more cost-friendly as compared to campus-based degrees. Take a look at our page for more information.

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